Educated Eating
Dawn Ann Jameson
“Teaching the World How to Eat One Bite at a Time!”
Nutritional Awareness Consultant (NAC) Services
1 | Speaker
Enhance company wellness and reduce company healthcare costs by providing your employees with education in nutrition and health. Educated Eating is the first step to impporoving overall health and reducing and/or eliminating Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Heart Disease.
(Click on Services for Speaker Request Form)
2 | General Consultations
General consultations allow the individual to focus on their current situation and develop a roadmap for better health.
3 | Food Diary Review
A food diary can serve to increase your awareness of food choices and hold you more accountable for the food choices that you make on a daily basis helping you to fine tune your food intake.
4 | Menu Planning
Planning your meals is a smart, effective, efficient, and cost saving method to help you stay on track when it comes to healthy eating.
5 | Grocery Shopping
Effective grocery shopping can save a tremendous amount of time and money. Your time is valuable and knowing where to shop and how to shop can save endless hours of wasted time and additional calories sampling food products.
6 | Refrigerator/Freezer Review
A nutritionally packed refrigerator/freezer is crucial to making healthy food choices. Refrigerator/freezer review helps you identify healthier products to store in your refrigerator/freezer.
7 | Pantry Review
Stocking your pantry with healthy foods is basic to building your nutritional foundation. Pantry review focuses on identifying core foods to store in your pantry that will provide optimal nutrition.
8 | Food Preparation/Techniques
Preparing your food is as easy as ABC. Learning to experiment with herbs and condiments and choosing the best method to use for your food are also addressed.
9 | Mall "Walk-n-Talk"
Combine exercise and learning in one! Walking through the mall while
discussing nutrition doubles your returns and provides a refreshing change of environment.