Educated Eating
Dawn Ann Jameson
“Teaching the World How to Eat One Bite at a Time!”
"Your Consumer Health Advocate"
''Personal Food Coach"
As a Nutritional Awareness Consultant (NAC), my mission is to encourage and empower individuals to seek a higher level of health through education and awareness of personal food choices! My motto is "Change Your Eating, Change Your Life!" A Graduate of the University of Dayton with a B.A. degree in Psychology, M.S. degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas, and a Retired United States Naval Officer, I have spent over 35 years in the field of health, fitness, and nutrition.
In my book entitled "Educated Eating, Volume 1, The Carbohydrate-Insulin Connection to Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Heart Disease," I address the issue of how carbohydrates are the main link to the epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease in the world today. The book also lays out a viable plan to help you take better control of your life.
I have developed and implemented Educated Eating (E²) Clubs which are free to the public, and designed to serve as a vehicle to help people start a conversation about what they are "really" eating! My global mission is to establish E² Clubs throughout the world dedicated to helping people understand how the world of food has changed, how important it is to make wise food choices about the food they eat, and spend their money wisely.
I have also published various articles on health and nutrition for PMU (Promotes, Motivates and Uplifts) Woman Magazine and “Fish Facts” is a song I wrote to help educate children and adults on the importance of consuming fish as a necessary part of their diet.
I serve as an active member of the Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation; Weston A. Price Foundation; Board member of the Wonderland Gardens Weight-Off-Wisely (WOW) group. I have been a contributing writer on health and nutrition for PMU (Promotes, Motivates, Uplifts) Woman Magazine and Sevananda Natural Foods Market Co-Options Magazine.
As an independent agent I receive no funding from outside companies to promote products or services. Monies are earned specifically through services provided to clients, book sales, and donations.
I also provide an unlimited array of services geared towards wellness, nourishing the body, mind, and spirit. Nutritional guidance is centered upon organic, whole-foods, and nutritional supplements promoting overall vibrant health.
Prevention is aimed at understanding how food and the environment contribute to degenerative disease, and encouraging personal responsibility for better health.