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                                                           LEGAL DISCLAIMER


The data, opinions, and experiences related on this website reflect the authors' experiences and are not intended to replace medical advice. The author is NOT a medical doctor or healthcare provider and cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment. The intent of this website is to offer information in order to familiarize the visitor with the basic premises behind Educated Eating and related consultant services. Only you or your doctor can determine whether or not any of the information contained on this website is appropriate for you. Before embarking on any of the information discussed here you should always consult your physician or healthcare provider. In addition to regular checkups and supervision, any questions or symptoms should be addressed to your physician or healthcare provider.  In the event this information is used without your doctor's or healthcare provider's approval, you are prescribing for yourself and the author assumes no responsibility/liability.

As with any eating, activity, or stress-reducing program, one size does not fit all and your program should be individualized in conjunction with your physician or healthcare provider.  It is important that together you develop your own specific program based on her/his advice and your own particular requirements and preferences, so that you may derive the best benefit from the information contained herein.  All data provided in this website is intended to be used in conjunction with the express approval as well as monitoring by one's own physician or healthcare provider.





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